10 December 2015:
“Policy-oriented marine research in the SES: Lessons Learned and the way ahead”: PERSEUS Final Stakeholders Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
The final PERSEUS Stakeholder meeting is entitled 'Policy-oriented marine research in the SES: Lessons learned and the way ahead'.
The event will be held back-to-back with the final PERSEUS Scientific Conference, in Brussels, at the European Parliament.
This event will bring together international and European stakeholders and include some short presentations to provide the context, advocate the 'Clean Seas' concept from the selected PERSEUS 'Ambassadors' of the 5 partners from the Mediterranean...
07 December 2015:
Scientific Conference: "Integrated Marine Research in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”
The Final Scientific Conference of PERSEUS “Integrated Marine Research in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”, co-organised by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Flanders Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI), will take place in Brussels, from 7-9 December 2015.
For your participation you are kindly requested to fill in the relevant online registration form, until 20th of November 2015.
The venue of the Conference is the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science...
19 November 2015:
MareFrame & PERSEUS Joint Stakeholder Workshop, Constanta, Romania
The MareFrame project will be holding its annual meeting from 17-20 November 2015 in Constanta, Romania. The venue of the meeting is the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa“ Constanta 900581, 300 Mamaia Blvd.
A joint stakeholder meeting between PERSEUS and MareFrame projects will take place on the 19th & 20th November, where PERSEUS scientists will present the PERSEUS tools to the audience attending the meeting.
All PERSEUS tools will...
11 November 2015:
3rd Ocean of Tomorrow Conference, Brussels, Belgium
The 3rd Ocean of Tomorrow Conference: What results so far for healthy and productive seas and oceans? will be taking place in Brussels on 11 November 2015.
The objectives of the conference are:
to present the results of projects funded under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) "The Ocean of Tomorrow" call 2012 which aimed at supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC)1 and the achievement of...
29 October 2015:
International Black Sea Action Day 2015, Istanbul, Turkey
International Black Sea Action Day commemorates the anniversary of the signature of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan.
The celebrations of the International Black Sea Action Day 2015 will be held on Friday, 30th October, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey with the financial support and contribution of the PERSEUS Project.
This important regional and international event will enable us to evaluate our achievements, discuss new challenges and raise the public awareness regarding protection of the Black Sea, our common...
19 October 2015:
9th Scientific Steering Committee Meeting, Athens, Greece
The 9th PERSEUS SSC meeting will take place in Athens on 19 and 20 October 2015 in Athens, Greece. The event will take place at the POSEIDON ATHENS HOTEL...
14 October 2015:
Supporting Policy Makers to Establish Measures to Maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) Across the Southern European Seas (SES), Malta
PERSEUS aims to translate the principles of ecosystem-based management to promote the formulation of effective and evidence-based policy leading to the attainment of GES in the Southern European Seas. PERSEUS does this by moulding the scientific data related to the MSFD Descriptors it has collected during its lifetime to a format which is understandable and useful to marine and maritime stakeholders. In particular, PERSEUS aspires to build bridges with the community of policy-makers by championing the adoption of...
08 October 2015:
Regional Stakeholder Workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia: Towards a good environmental status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins
PERSEUS is organizing the fifth of a five Regional Stakeholder Workshop series in Tbilisi, Georgia on 8th and 9th of October 2015.
The workshop “Towards a Good Environmental Status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins” aims at informing about the PERSEUS project and providing a close interaction with regional authorities and scientists. Among its goals is to create a platform for the establishment of effective regional cooperation in management of the marine ecosystem, within the PERSEUS...
28 May 2015:
EU Maritime Day, Piraeus, Greece
The European Maritime Day Conference will be held in the Peace and Friendship Stadium in Piraeus (Greece) on 28 and 29 May 2015. The Conference will focus on ports and coasts as engines for Blue Growth.
Piraeus will also celebrate its maritime community on 30 and 31 May. High level sessions and stakeholder workshops, as well as exhibitions, public happenings and networking events will be organised.
If you wish to get involved, please visit this link and read more about the event here!
Finally, a...
12 April 2015:
EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria
The General Assembly 2015 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 12 – 17 April 2015. The assembly is open to the scientists of all nations.
The EGU General Assembly 2015 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their...